A sudden unplanned implantation, and the repercussions thereof. Stay tuned, it's gonna get interesting.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Rhetoric rhymes

As predicted by yours truly, the weeks away from home have merged to form some gelatinous oddity of unknown origin. Labour is lame and I miss the offspring and the soul mate.

Some good and bad things have come to pass on this journey. First, the bad. I hit something in the road a couple weeks back, effectively puncturing my gas tank and costing me a boatload of cash I didn’t have in the first place to fix.

The good, I have met a few friendly faces and life is just a succession of hundreds of blessings throwing themselves at me, kamikaze style.

I am eager to reunite with my little family and attend to my household. I’m planning another meal. Hopefully my culinary skills have bettered themselves during my absence.

Another day has come to a close, and I find myself alone.

Just a few more hours and I will no longer be alone; uninspired by my own company.

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