A sudden unplanned implantation, and the repercussions thereof. Stay tuned, it's gonna get interesting.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The throes of academic pursuit

And so, my fellow bloggers, thus began the arduous journey of my ascent to the next level of mad auditor skillz.

To what am I referring?

Well, as you may or may not know, I (still) have ne’er but the board exam standing between me and academic, nay financial freedom.

The catalyst was of course when I was informed that I would be on away audit for 3 months. This, as it presents itself, is the perfect opportunity for me to “get my learn on”. The responsibilities at home are far too numerous and exhausting to enable a learning environment.

In any case, I did some planning last week, and now, I am studying towards Board One.

It’s a slow process. When I try to do practical questions, I feel so moronic that I must refer back to the theory. When I study only theory, I get so bored, I feel that I must do some questions to drive home the principles. What a conundrum!

Regardless, my new motto is to “Just Keep Going”. Therein lies the secret of success, I think. In previous years I may have given up too soon. This is the year I plan to correct my prior erroneous behaviour.

Also, this is the final curtain call. I will sacrifice and give it my all. For, after this ride on the merry-go-round, there will be no more.

Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers. This is not an easy course in the least.

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