A sudden unplanned implantation, and the repercussions thereof. Stay tuned, it's gonna get interesting.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

RE: the Elections 2009

There is weird hoo-do ink on my left thumb, imported from India (supposedly), clinging to my skin for dear life. Yes, I voted yesterday, with a couple million other people. I just wish I'd known of the free coffee Wimpy was offering.

It's rather dismaying that the family party isn't doing as well as I expected. On the other paw, counting isn't done yet. A further embarrassment is that my original home province seems to have a 100% vote for the opposition party. Very embarrassing indeed.

I never voted before, feeling rather apathetic about the whole affair. So, yesterday's activities were sort of special and ... unexpectedly fun. The queue wasn't too long, I suppose we waited 30mins. The people in line were jovial, friendly. It was an all round good experience. And, I will probably vote again. Props to the organisers in my neck of the woods.

Another surprise is that you actually vote twice: One ballot paper for national and one for provincial. It was unexpected. I, as an ignorant young-ish person, was not aware of this. But, it's kewl. Took me about 3 seconds to vote. Point and tick, ladies and gents.

I applaud all the people who took the time and effort to vote. The important thing as that this hard-fought for right is utilised and not taken for granted. Who people voted for is between them and their conscience.

Hopefully the country won't go to the sh*tter between now and the next election. Maybe next time, a bigger difference / upset can be made.

I wonder when this ink is gonna come off. It's messing with my manicure.

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