A sudden unplanned implantation, and the repercussions thereof. Stay tuned, it's gonna get interesting.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Time to get fit

Read an interesting blog entry today. According to the writer, the cure for unfortunate looks is to be fit. Less than flattering attributes are shadowed when lean muscle tone and clear gorgeous skin take the limelight.

This has set me thinking. I remember a brief period in my past when I was fit. My clothes fit better. And we all know that when your clothes fit better, you feel more confident, and therefore act more confident. Also, the nicer clothes are available at smaller sizes.

Fitness also makes your body produce the feel good hormones. I think it’s called dopamine, but I could be mistaken (and am too lazy to look it up now). So, not only are you looking good in well fitting duds, but you also feel good and confident.

Then there are also the health benefits. Cancer and heart disease I suppose will have a tough time attacking a healthy body. Exercise increases circulation of blood through the body and more oxygen gets to the necessary parts.

The point I’m trying to make is – if what I read is true and fitness is a portal to good looks… I may have to give the gym another better chance…

Now I just have to work it into my schedule somehow…


Khatija said...

Good idea........... I love aerobics and swimming :-)

Prophet Kangnamgu said...

Thumbs up!