A sudden unplanned implantation, and the repercussions thereof. Stay tuned, it's gonna get interesting.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The callous quirks of nature

Fate and Nature were feeling especially moody the day they decided what pregnancy would be like for a human being.

One would think that with all the pain, nausea, irritability, cost, tests, prickings and blood-takings, ad infinitum – there would be less pro-creation in this world. And yet, the opposite holds true.

One of the dirtiest tricks Fate and Nature have cooked up, is how the uterus and growing foetus is comfortably situated right on top of the bladder. And, thus, as the baby expands, more pressure is added to my already over-active bladder.

Hilarious, guys.

I make 2 to 3 nightly trips to the throne room. At work, I’m on the opposite end of the building regarding bathroom access. It's a regular daily scurry.

And, I’m only 4 months into this thing.

I shudder to think what is gonna happen to me and my bathroom situation once my stomach becomes seriously distended. I’m also starting to cross the border between “Is she just fat, or is that a preggy belly?”

To this day, (Day 3 at the new job) I have seen no other pregnant ladies in this office. My prior office had 3 (One recently popped - 2 months prior, one about to pop - 2 months to go, and the wife of a colleague who is a couple weeks behind me - 3 months preggers). There was a sort of kinship and sense of belonging there.

Here I just feel fat, and in the way.

As soon as this parasite evacuates its comfy womb, and I am again able to evacuate my bladder at more reasonable intervals, I’m heading to Ye Olde Gymm, to get back into an acceptable shape.

I nearly had a tantrum this morning. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry at my misfortune. I had to go through 2 pairs of pants and 2 shirts before I found something that still fits me. I can’t believe my current growth rate. I suppose it’s both a good and bad thing. Good, coz my baby is being VERY well fed, and has the best chance of being healthy. Bad, coz society forces us to believe that thin is beautiful, and fat is disgusting. Not great for the self-esteem, I must concede.

I don’t wanna buy too many items of “fat pants”. I like to think of this as a transient period in my life. (Till my period returns, ha ha) I have 4 pairs of pregnancy pants. One is suitable for work. I haven’t figured out how to make the others work… for work...

I need a stylist.

Gratitude Journal – 02 July 2008
I don’t look like a blimp… yet.


Mary-Jane said...

Keep up the gratitude journal...

I have to admit that the idea of being pregnant really freaks me out. I mean, my body being torn, stretched and distended by some other being with its own agenda...

Apparently with sea-horses the fertilized eggs get to be carried around by the father. I think with penguins the mother also tricks the father into taking care of the eggs 'just for a little while' and then she makes a run for it. Yep, those females have it sorted.

Bet your husband thinks you're prettier than ever :-) Sterkte, ons dink aan jou!

morbidneko said...

"I mean, my body being torn, stretched and distended by some other being with its own agenda..."

gee, thanks. if i hadn't thought of it before, i do now!


i'm lucky in the sense that my husband thinks I look great, tells me so all the time, and has pledged an oath that he will help me with the offspring. ^_^

i'm so hungry right now...

Mary-Jane said...

Oops... sorry... (There needs to be a blushing, apologetic emoticon here, possibly holding flowers.)

morbidneko said...

not to worry, m-j!


as i said, most of my dark self-deprecating thoughts are annihilated at conception by the kindness of my spouse.

i am lucky.

Anonymous said...


if you have a new email adress you must give it to me okey. I'l email you

Good Luck with the baby. Your support systems great.

What happens to the other blog if you using this one? Will that one no more exist? Just Curious


morbidneko said...

the padded cage exists in a bubble of stasis.

hopefully, i won't need to enter there again any time soon.
