A sudden unplanned implantation, and the repercussions thereof. Stay tuned, it's gonna get interesting.

Friday, October 31, 2008


What I wouldn’t give for the ability to sleep all the way through the night.

I suppose this is a prep for when the kid is here. Maybe I’m supposed to grow empathy for the little alien. It’s not like she will be able to avoid needing to make bathroom visits during the night. My bladder may be small, but hers is minute. And who can sleep with a nappy full of excretions?

It’s more than just the quadruple nightly visits to the bathroom. These mornings, in the wee hours, I wake up and just can’t get back to sleep. Added to this, getting to sleep at night, despite severe fatigue, is also quite a feat. There is much tossing and turning. Well – slow boulder-like rolling from side to side.

I’ve tried the pillows thing between my legs; under my belly, under my back. Nothing seems to work. At least I do get a few hours sleep per night. But, I wake up feeling tired every morning. And, this feeling persists during the day.

I am now around 34 weeks preggers.

There are still 6 weeks to go. That’s a month and a half. From what I understand, these symptoms and afflictions will only become aggravated as time goes on. I also find that driving is not so easy anymore. Sitting at my desk, is likewise not so easy. The belly seems to be in the way most of the time now.

Carrying my PC bag is also becoming more difficult as the days progress. Staying awake at work is not easy. Couple that with my shortness of breath, due to a baby filling up the space where my lungs used to work. I understand the need for maternity leave during the last month of work now.

I wonder if upping my natural sugar intake would help with this feeling of listlessness. Maybe it really is just a sleep thing. I suppose I’ll just have to wait it out. In the meantime, I could get some books to read, to keep me occupied for those sleepless mornings.

In those timeless words, uttered by Faithless: “I can’t get no sleep.”


Khatija said...


Anonymous said...

at least you still bowl pretty well (-:

morbidneko said...

protonfr@gger, yes - not as well as I'd like however.

Hope you're getting some sleep between all the work and cramming!

If I don't speak to you before then, goodluck with that miserable little test!